Pilot Study for Thoracic Anesthesia Web-Based Learning Module
Dr. G. Dugas, Dr. G. Kanellakos, Dr. D. Wong and Dr. P. Slinger (PI)
Introduction: It is our belief that there is a need in the anesthesia community to provide a further understanding of tracheobronchial anatomy in order to facilitate expertise in airway management during thoracic surgical procedures. There is evidence in the literature to support the claim that knowledge of endoscopic bronchial anatomy is the most critical factor in successful placement of devices for lung isolation by anesthesiologists (Campos, JH et al. Anesthesiology 2006).
Purpose: The purpose of our study is to develop a web-based learning module that reviews endoscopic bronchial anatomy and the various techniques of lung separation. In order to address the specific learning needs of the anesthesia community and its residents we have prepared a multiple choice pre-test that examines the current level of knowledge among anesthesiologists from various practice backgrounds and anesthesia residents at both the senior and junior level. The test, which will function as a needs assessment, will be distributed to five groups of medical professionals including: (i) Thoracic Surgeons, (ii) Thoracic Anesthesiologists (defined by either fellowship training or clinical experience with at least two thoracic operating room assignments per month), (iii) General Anesthesiologists (less than two thoracic operating room assignments per month), (iv) Senior residents (post-graduate year 4 or 5 who have completed a rotation in thoracic anesthesia) and (v) Junior residents (post-graduate year 1 to 3 who have not completed a thoracic anesthesia rotation). In addition to organizing the study participants into the above mentioned groups we will also collect more detailed information from each participant with respect to the number of bronchoscopic examinations completed or supervised in the past 12 months. This information will allow us to further examine the clinical experience of the participant and compare it to the results achieved on the pretest evaluation.
Procedure: Participants in this study will be asked to fill out a brief questionnaire to document their level of medical training, clinical subspecialty and the number of bronchoscopic examinations performed or supervised in the past 12 months. Participants will then complete a short endoscopic bronchial anatomy multiple choice pretest.
Benefits: The information collected will serve as a needs assessment that will allow us to establish which group of medical professionals will be most likely to benefit from our web-based bronchoscopy simulator and teaching module and to specifically tailor the information provided on the web site to meet the learning objectives of its users.
Participation: Your decision to participate in this pilot study through completion of the bronchoscopy pretest questionnaire and accompanying endoscopic bronchial anatomy skill testing questions is strictly voluntary. Involvement in this study will take approximately 15 minutes.
Confidentiality: The information obtained from the pretest questionnaire and the results of your endoscopic bronchial anatomy skills test are kept completely anonymous. No names or identifying information will be collected from study participants or used in any publication or presentation.
Compensation: No financial compensation will be given for participation in the study.
Questions: If you have any questions about the study, please page Dr. Geoff Dugas at 416-719-0062 or Dr. Peter Slinger at 416-582-5779 (Toronto General Hospital).
Consent: I have had the opportunity to discuss this study and my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I voluntarily consent to participate in this study.