Leonard IE. Myles PS
Department of Anaesthesia and Pain Management, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria.
Target-controlled intravenous anaesthesia with bispectral index monitoring for thoracotomy in a patient with severely impaired left ventricular function.
Anaesthesia & Intensive Care, 28(3):318-321, 2000 June.
The anaesthetic management of an elderly patient with severely impaired left ventricular function undergoing thoracotomy and lobectomy is described. Total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) with remifentanil and target-controlled infusion of propofol titrated according to the bispectral index (BIS) was used, with thoracic epidural anaesthesia commenced at the end of surgery providing postoperative analgesia. Avoidance of intraoperative epidural local anaesthetics and careful titration and dose reduction of propofol using the BIS was associated with excellent haemodynamic stability. The rapid offset of action of remifentanil and low-dose propofol facilitated early recovery and tracheal extubation. The BIS was a valuable monitor in optimal titration of TIVA.
Thoracotomy in a patient with impaired left ventricular function
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